Patient Education

Patient education is a critical tool that we use in our allergic and asthmatic population. Education is provided on all levels including our nursing staff, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioners and the physicians. We will work with you extensively in setting up long-term goals regarding disease expectations and goals regarding allergic and asthmatic disease management. We have significant educational resources available and can help direct you in finding information.
Specifically, we will strive to:
- Develop a personalized Asthma Action Plan to help the patient determine when asthma is not optimally controlled by using a peak flow meter,
- Educate individuals and families how to live with food and insect allergies as well as how to use a personal epinephrine injector (Epi-Pen),
- Review the benefits of immunotherapy to help desensitize the allergic patient,
- Explain how avoidance of allergens and altering the home/work environment can decrease allergy and asthma symptoms,
- Outline specific goals for the asthmatic and/or allergic patient to increase well being and quality of life